LeTCC Events

We have something for everyone!


Éclair Fundraiser 

Due to popular demand, we’re holding an Éclair Fundraiser to support our summer camps! All proceeds will go to the Duncan Rioch Memorial Children’s Scholarship Fund.  Orders must be placed by 5 PM on Monday, April 14th.

$30 per dozen

$16 per half-dozen

Pick-up: Saturday, April 19th, between 12-3 PM

Thank you for your support!

Now – April 14th

Friday, April 11, 11-1 PM


April Blessed Hope Ladies Luncheon

Welcome to the Blessed Hope Online Registration! The Blessed Hope Committee invites you join us for a beautiful time of food and fellowship with our ladies in addition to an encouraging message! We look forward to seeing you soon!

Children 0-12

2025 Easter Egg Hunt

Join us at 1:00 PM on Saturday April 19th for our FREE annual Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt is for kids ages 0-12 years old. For the egg hunt, the kids will be divided into appropriate age groups. We will have plenty of candy and games, and most importantly everyone will walk away having heard about the true meaning of Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, April 19, 1-3 PM

Sunday, April 20, 7-8:30 AM


2025 Sunrise Service

Luke 24:6a “He is not here; He has risen!”

He has risen indeed! Come Easter morning to celebrate and hear more about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our Creator loves us so much and He desires to have a personal relationship with us. In His amazing love and kindness He has made a way. Join us Sunday, April 20th at 7am to celebrate our risen Savior, then stay and enjoy great fellowship and a free breakfast.

Youth Grades 6-12

REVIVE Spring Rally

Our REVIVE youth rallies are an opportunity for many churches to bring their youth together for fun and fellowship! We start these events off with plenty of games and activities, followed by dinner and time diving into God’s Word. This is such a great time for area youth and youth leaders to connect with others and worship together!

May 4, 3-7 pm

Summer 2025

Youth Age 14 and Up

2025 THE WAY Summer Program

THE WAY Summer Service & Discipleship Program is now accepting applications!  Are you 14 or older? Spend your summer serving His people, deepening your faith, and having an absolute blast! This is more than just a summer program—it’s a life-changing experience that will grow your love for the Lord. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity!

Children 5-13

2025 Summer Camps

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. –Mark 10:13-16

We’re so blessed!  God continues to grow His ministry through our summer camps! We’re very excited about what next summer has in store and we can’t wait to see God move!

June 23, 2025-August 15, 2025

September 2025 – August 2026

Post Highschool Age

THE WAY One Year Program

THE WAY School of Discipleship is a unique opportunity for young Christians aspiring to know and love God more deeply. Our one-year program is a fully funded, residential experience that equips young adults with the skills to teach, counsel, evangelize, and serve as competent and effective ministers of the Gospel. The primary goal of THE WAY School of Discipleship is to prepare Christians to make disciples wherever God calls them. Since our first class in 2016, students have moved on to become leaders in full-time ministry, professional life, or have continued with further education in college. Our model for ministry is “disciples making disciples.” With simple obedience to the call of Christian discipleship, we hope to build the next-generation of church leaders and disciple-makers that will accelerate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in workplaces, colleges, and local churches.

LeTourneau Christian Center Event Cancelation Policy

Includes Blessed Hope, Homeschool Hullabaloo, REVIVE Youth Rallies, REVIVE Winter Retreat, LeTCC Banquets, Scrap, Craft and Quilt Retreat etc.

  • Full payment is required to register for an event.

  • No refunds will be allowed after registration.

Jason Dailey

Jason Dailey

Program Director


For More Information About Any of Our Events, You Can Reach Jason at:

Office: 585-554-3400   

Email: jdailey@letcc.org




Jen Roman

Jen Roman

Operations Manager


For More Information About Any of Our Events, You Can Reach Jen at:

Office: 585-554-3400   

Email: jroman@letcc.org